Monday, May 19, 2008


Ok, the big kids are at school and the two little ones are napping! I have a cold so i feel yucky!
Overall things are going well. The first few days were a blur and I did a lot of worrying about the boys hearts and attachment...but each day brings us all closer. Markenley is a daddy's boy and Solomon is a mommy's boy. Yesterday at church was hard. Todd had to be play and sing during the service and Markenley wanted Daddy. First service I spent holding Markenley in Todd's office while he screamed and yelled for Daddy. After about 20 minutes he calmed down, rested in my arms and even went in the sling. I held him for a while and he was content and then was happy to see Daddy. During the second service he did the same. He does calm down and then we have a special bonding moment. Todd and I have made a concious effort to swap kiddos and he does the after bath massage with Soly and I do the same with Markenley. Putting them to bed is a special time of bonding too. Last night our family walked around the block and Soly was being pushed in his stroller and I held Markenley the whole time...he had a water bottle and each flower we passed he gave a drink of water. The closeness we shared was wonderful. Each day promotes new memories and bonding. We are constantly in awe that they are actually here. Each day also brings new challenges of teaching getting little Soly to not throw his cup, not hit, or spit. He is a super sweet little boy, but when he doesn't like something he will tell you! I have seen that in the toddler room at the orphanage...the clawing and scratching of sweet little kids to get back their prized possession. We don't get upset at them because they don't know any better. These little ones have gone through far more in their little lives than we can ever imagine. We are thanking God that they are here, they are safe and they are loved. Our older kids are doing great with the boys too. They are a huge help and also very understanding of the need for them to bond with Mom and Dad. My little TJ seems so big to us and that is sad!!
Love to you all!


Erica said...

That picture is sooooo cute. How adorable.

Major Mom said...

Things sound awesome. I love the story of Markenly giving the flowers drinks. What a sweet baby, they are going to be awesome! They are in good hands:)

Mary said...

Thinking about you guys all the time...
Glad to hear things are going well!!
Love ya,

Salzwedel Family said...

So glad to hear things are going well & that wonderful bonds are being formed. Praise God!

Kathy Cassel said...

I'm sure there will be challenges ahead but there is with any child. It sounds like you are doing all the right things.

The Hermyzoo! said...

I love checking in a getting new updates! Those pics are fantastic of your kids eating ice cream together. It's great that you both are so aware of the bonding that has to take place and you are working on that together. I am so glad to hear how all is going, thanks for sharing. I have wanted to call so badly and I keep telling myself you have alot going on and you need your time. Please know that I am thinking about you.

Heather said...

We're so happy for you guys to finally have your boys at home! I love those ice-cream pictures - so cute!

Anonymous said...

Glad they are doing so well!!!!