Saturday, February 02, 2008

Spring Cleaning Mishap etc.

I was having a good spring cleaning day today unitil..
I learned a lesson ...I knew this already, but was being husband warned me...TJ, my 9 year old thought it was a good I tried..I tried to give my cat a bath!!! It didn't take long to realize what a horrible idea this was. I have claw and teeth marks on my side to prove it. She is such a good cat, i thought she would nicely go along with my idea, i thought she may even appreciate it!!
Alas, I will just find something else to clean!!

I am patiently waiting to hear if some of my dear friends get good news today from our orphanage about their adoption process. I don't think we will hear anything, but really want to hear from others that they have moved along in the process. I dreamt about the boys last night. In my dream I was teaching Solomon how to say Mommy. I miss them so much.

Jessica has been in a lot of pain again. We took her to the ER on Thursday. They did an ultrasound and said her spleen is big..but they didn't seem too worried because they said it was the same size as the last time she had an ultrasound. Last time they didn't say anything about it being big. They did say not to do anything physical...sports etc. So, if it's not a big deal, why can't she do sports?? Odd!
They did blood work and that came back fine...they did another stool sample test...we'll get results later. I asked them to test for giardia..since she did get sick in Haiti...just trying to rule things out. They had said she had a pancreatice insufficiency, but now are wondering if that's what it is because she is still having pain and because she didn't have some of the symptoms that you would normally see with that. So, we are praying for an answer. She is sooo sooo tired of being sick. My heart breaks for her. If you could pray for her we would appreciate it.

Well, have a great day my friends!


Kathy Cassel said...

You tried to give your cat a bath???? Oh my gosh. I hope you have video of it!!

Pihl Pastures said...

What WERE you thinking??? ;0) Sniffing too many cleaning products can be dangerous for your mental health! It's not even spring yet, babe. Pace yourself!

Anonymous said...

Poor thing. I will pray for your daughter.

Jodie said...

Lifting up Jessica in prayer! Stay persistent with the doctors.

I had to bathe my cat occasionally. She was a medium-hair white cat and if she got out of the house, she was filthy! She looked like a drowned rat (didn't like it much either).

Terry said...

I'm praying for your daughter.

I've been in the Spring Cleaning mood although I haven't actually started anything yet:-)


Lover of Renee said...

Miss You!

The Hermyzoo! said...

I am laughing out loud because I have tried to bath my cats as well shaving them. Yes I said shave them. We moved from really cold Idaho weather to Arizona's hot desert and I felt guilty for the cats misery so I thought it would appreciate it. NOT QUITE! He was half bald all over. I learned my lesson.

Poor Jessica, she has dealt with so much this past 6 months. I know what it's like to be sick a lot and have no one know what it is, it becomes real old real fast. Keep pushing those doctors to look into everything and I hope you receive some answers soon.