Monday, February 11, 2008


We recently received amazingly wonderful news!! There is a couple at our church who have one daughter. They are such wonderful parents, and are very strong in their faith. I have talked to her before about adopting. In the past she did not think she could do it, for reasons of their own. Well, recently we found out that they are going to adopt!!! She said that she remembers the exact day in July, Todd was sharing with the church the update on our adoption and she felt the holy spirit telling her to adopt. I am sure she could share this in a much more eloquent way!!!
I was feeling such a burden to adopt all the kids in the world...obviously we cannot do that. This was such a gift from God..a new inspiration for me..a new way to help children!! I will continue to share and be there to support anyone who would like to join this roller coaster ride. Don't forget, roller coasters have their ups and downs. As much as I want off the roller coaster (of the adoption process), I am glad we decided to ride it!! We will then jump on the coaster of 'two more boys in the home'!!
If you feel a nudge from the holy spirit and want to talk about it, I am here for you. Love you all lots!!!


Kathy Cassel said...

Awesome! I hope more people will decide to adopt. I just wish it weren't so expensive and didn't take so long to get the children home.

The Hermyzoo! said...

I wanted to tell you that I love your valentine motif. You did a great JOB!