Baby Shanay
Taylor, Shanay, Jessica and young...
Taylor, Shanay, Jessica and young...
My kids now!
Tomorrow is a huge day in our family...a day full of excitement and joy and dread and sorrow....the first day of school. Markenley starts kindergarten!! An amazing opportunity that if he stayed in Haiti he may never have been able to experience. How blessed are we, even though it seems our school system stinks right now, that we have the opportunity for our kids to attend school. He is so excited...with his new shoes and new clothes all layed out! I think he will do great, I am a little worried though that he may get overwhelmed at times and am not sure how he will act. At home he will just refuse to obey at times..usually when he is overwhelmed..or unregulated..when there has been too much out of the ordinary going on. This happens so much less frequent than in the past so I am praying that he does ok. We are fully aware that this is a trial situation and if we need to homeschool we will. He is also playing soccer again this year! I am sure he will do better this year since he now understands english!!
TJ starts 5th grade and is excited to see his wall ball, tether ball buddies. I am excited that he will get to walk his little brother to class, something he hasn't gotten to do before:) He is a great big brother. TJ is doing amazing at the piano..a true natural...we MUST get him in piano lessons this year!! He goes online and learns songs himself...he's amazing! He is also into making and editing videos..he's quite talented. His new thing is ventriliquism to go along with his comedy/magic routines.
Taylor is in 8th grade and is right on cue..freaking out about what to wear!! Even though she has a whole new wardrobe nothing seems to look right! She is beautiful and it all looks great!!
This is her last year of Jr. High!! How exciting for her. She admited schools not that bad. =) I'm praying that she has a great year!
Jessica is a Jr. this year...sheesh...where does the time go. This year she's not playing volleyball because she has a part time job at church as the intern for the Jr. High group! She is praying about being a youth pastor so this is a great opportunity for her!
Shanay is a SENIOR...HOW??? WHY??? UGH UGH UGH
I am so not ready for this...tomorrow she will be driving herself and Jessica to school...I don't even get to see them walk onto campus...they will go by themselves....EEEEKKKK
She is trying to figure out her future!! Teacher, social worker, vet...?? Where to go to college? She wants to stay here, I am truly hoping she will but praying for God's will.
She has a job as well this year as the intern in the church's children's ministry. I am so excited to see how God uses this job to grow her...she is a lot like me...more reserved ..Jess is like her Daddy..outgoing and confident. I think this will be a great opportunity for both girls. They were both chosen for the jobs because they are amazing young ladies=)
This is so hard for me emotionally...Shanay is my baby...I don't want her to grow up...then I know Jess will be right behind her..Lord, prepare my heart. I can't imagine that someday my girls will be wives and mommy's boys will be husbands and daddy's. I love my babies...I pray that they all have a great day at school tomorrow. I love you guys much more than you will ever know.
Solomon is excited for all the kids to go to school because after they leave he gets ice cream!!! He will get to do home school preschool with mommy and the daycare babies!!
At least he's not leaving me!!